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Private practice Rudolf W. Strümper

Medical specialist for orthopedics and sports medicine in Cologne

Welcome to my private practice for Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, now in Rheinauhafen.

We offer a wide range of orthopaedic treatment methods, for children up to seniors. Besides the use of modern diagnostic procedures, we also carry out physiotherapeutic treatments. 

Our focus lies in the diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis, disc damage and sports injuries - without any operations! This is made possible by the use of new technologies that enable us to treat your complaints gently and quickly.

For 4 years now we have been using our new method of refixing meniscus and tendon tears with fibrin glue under MR-control without surgery.

Consultation Hours

You are welcome to make an appointment with us online or by phone on +49 221 - 96889493.    Our regular office hours are: 




8:00am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 4:30pm 


8:00am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 4:30pm


8:00am - 1:30pm


8:00am - 1:00pm and 2:00pm - 4:30pm


8:00am - 1:30pm

In an emergency you can call the medical assistance service Phone: +49 221 -116 117

Orthopedics in the Rheinauhafen

Im Zollhafen 6
50678 Cologne

+49 221 96889493info@64424b178b64480ea7da003a31886086orthopaede-koeln.de

Dear patients,

Right now we are very concerned about your and our health. Thats why we are doing everything to protect you and our team.

We consider the coronavirus situation very serious and therefore we are taking protective measures. 

1. As a medical facility we have always been following strict hygiene rules. After every treatment we desinfect all the doorhandles, surfaces and open all the windows. Additionally we always wear protective clothing and keep the necessary distance. Because of these precautions we can carry on with all of our treatment and diagnosis proceedures as usual.

2. We are asking every patient to wash and disinfect their hands immediately after entering our office. Please keep enough distance to the receptionist and speak infront of the protective glass.

3. The physiotherapy will remain as a medical facility open. Our physiotherapist are paying very close attention to hygiene and all the equipment that is beeing used will get disinfected thoroughly.

4. The refixations with fibrin glue can proceed as usual, as well as the injection treatment. Additionally the aftertreatment can be paused for 14 Days (or longer), if a patient has to undergo a quarantine.  

Your trust and well being is our main priority and therefore we will keep working through the regular hours.

Sincerely Rudolf W. Strümper and team