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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging is a safe examination method that does not require X-rays and is therefore completely harmless. We use a so-called "open" device in which the patients do not have to go into a "tube". In most cases no contrast medium is necessary.

Kernspintomografie, Offenes Gerät

Advantages of an MRT in comparison to the classical X-ray

In contrast to X-rays, MRI allows soft tissue and other structures to be visualized in addition to the bony skeleton. This allows injuries or degenerative changes to be detected at an early stage, e.g. meniscus tears. Using special imaging techniques, inflammations can also be made visible in the MRI. This can often avoid unnecessary surgeries!

In our open device we also perform injections under MRI control. The needle is visible on the MRI image and can therefore be navigated very precisely. This allows joints such as the hip joint or shoulder joint to be punctured safely and without exposure to X-rays.

In the case of slipped discs, so-called PDIs (peridural injections) or PRTs (periradicular injections) are performed under MRI control near the slipped discs.

The following images show some examples from of MRI, but only parts of the examinations. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging enables an almost three-dimensional image of the human body to be obtained by viewing the individual sectional images together.

Kernspintomografie, Lendenwirbelsäule, ausgeprägter Bandscheibenvorfall

Dieses MRT-Bild der Lendenwirbelsäule zeigt einen ausgeprägten Bandscheibenvorfall (Blauer Pfeil)

This MRI-Picture of the lumbar column shows a distinct disc prolapse (blue arrow)

Orthopedics in the Rheinauhafen

Im Zollhafen 6
50678 Cologne

+49 221 96889493info@b3b0bb025bc545c18f4580c14c215992orthopaede-koeln.de