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Rudolf W. Strümper: Specialist for Orthopaedics and Sports medicin

Rudolf W. Strümper, Facharzt für Orthopädie u. Sportmedizin


  • 1972-1978:
    Study of Human medicin at the Albertus-Magnus-University in Cologne
  • 1978:
    Approbation in Cologne
  • 1978-1980:
    medical education as a specialist for neurosurgery in municipal hospital Solingen
  • 1980-1986:
    medical education as a specialist for orthopaedics in Cologne
  • 1986:
    Acquisition of the specialist title for orthopaedics
  • 1980-1985:
    Acquisition of the additional title for sports medicin
  • 1986-1987:
    Attending for the department of orthopaedics and trauma surgery at the Eduardus-Hospital in Cologne
  • 1987-1989:
    Consultant and consultant-represantative for department of orthopaedics and trauma surgery at the Eduardus-Hospital in Cologne
  • 1989:
    Establishment as a specialist for orthopaedics and sports medicin in the medical centre at Neumarkt in Cologne
  • 1989-1999:
    Outpatient surgery with the emphasis arthroscopy
  • 1999-2012:
    In-patient doctor for the PAN-clinic Cologne
  • 1980 - today:
    executed more than 25.000 arthroscopic surgeries
  • 1994 - today:
    supervision of over 20.000 MRI-Scans 
  • 2014 im Juli:
    Reopening of the doctors office at RHEINAUHAFEN Köln
  • 2014 - today:
    over 11000 MRI-controlled interventions of the backbone and various joints an. More than 840 of those interventions were refixations of menisci and other tendons with fibrin glue 


Doctor-medic Marius-Cristian Marginean

Specialist for radiology

Lisa Rademacher

Medical employee

Lisa Rademacher, Medizinische Fachangestellte

Anna Tseka

Medical employee

Anna Tseka, Medizinische Fachangestellte

Cindy Wiens

Medical employee

Etsy Akar

Medical employee

Ingo Kirschnik-Stockhammer


Regina Bern

Physiotherapist / Manualtherapist

Ulrike Kennchen-Schlebusch

Research Assistant

We are looking forward to meet you!

Team am Empfang

Orthopedics in the Rheinauhafen

Im Zollhafen 6
50678 Cologne

+49 221 96889493info@a5e9d5bda859460190517f2eadff73dforthopaede-koeln.de

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